Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happily in Vale-en-twined?

Men better be forewarned! A time of intense mental and psychological anguish is fast coming hither and you only have two options. You can either bolt and run (pun intended) or assume the sitting duck position and get fried for dinner. It’s the month of love. Be afraid, be very afraid…

It’s said that men are Mars and women are from Venus. Probably true. The two sexes are virtually aliens when it comes to emotive issues of the heart like love (whatever that means). This is an argument that can go on for hours on end but it always baffles me how much sentimentality can be pegged to a certain season least of all a specific date. But sentimentality is not the real issue here, it’s the capitalistic dimension which will literally see many burn up their wallets that drives me bonkers. Damn commercialism! Its all in your face; every direction you turn – on the papers, on radio, on the telly, everywhere!

And if you think you are too headstrong (kichwa ngumu) to stem the emotional wave, think again. In the long run you’ll either be cajoled, coerced, blackmailed or - in the worst case scenario - battered into complete submission. Little wonder then, that many will be compelled to shed self-acclaimed machismo in exchange for oddities like shopping for chocolates, flowers and... you guessed it right... lingerie too.

It’s just like the concept of weddings. Why on earth must we focus so much of our energies in planning for a single day that will pass just like any other? I’ve heard all about it being the most important day of your life. I disagree. The most important days of your life are ahead of you soon after the glitz and glamour of exchanging vows begins to fade away the morning after.

Luckily, being an ardent campaigner for singlehood, I’ve long liberated myself from this charade of love and romance. My membership in the bachelors’ club is long term. It’s a status of pure bliss with all benefits. I get to watch whatever I want to watch on telly (especially football), not bother about all the clatter strewn in my cramped pad and once in a while skip a shower without as much as giving a hoot (Thank God for little mercies like deodorants and mouth wash). But wait a minute! Its not all gloom and doom. Love, like hate, is a natural human emotion that can only be appreciated through expression.

A good lady friend of mine recently wrote a great piece of article on the Saturday pullout magazine, Woman’s Instinct, bemoaning the fact that in our society we seldom say the words ‘I love you’ often. And that's precisely my point. It’s a cultural indoctrination we find so hard to divorce ourselves with. Why can’t we have Valentine’s Day on every other day of the year? Not in actual deed, but rather symbolically. The seem argument can be appended for that once in a year very important day. Why can’t we celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ 24/7, 365 ¼ days a year as opposed to flocking the shrines come 25th December?

All said and done, it would be foolhardy to deride the emotive power of expressing love whichever way you do it. So this Valentine’s Day - and on all other subsequent days of the year - take some time to share and spread love to that special someone in your life.

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